Dear Grand Blanc Academy Community,

As the Principal and Superintendent of Grand Blanc Academy (GBA), I want to wish you a wonderful start to the school year. We have some exciting changes and a few new faces for you to meet. We have a new Office Manager, Mrs. Ramona Mems, has joined our team and will be working alongside Mrs. Watkins in the front office.

Officer Devin Seeley, from the Grand Blanc Police Department has joined the GBA team as our School Resource Officer. As you know, "Safety First" is our mantra. Officer Seeley will work with staff and students building relationships while maintaining the safe and orderly environment that we strive for dailv.

With the addition of the School Resource Officer (SRO) we want you to know that he will be involved with investigations pertaining to:

  • Gun or Bomb Threat
  • Drugs or Alcohol - including Marijuana. Although this is legal for adults, it is not for children under age.
  • Arson
  • Assault/Battery
  • Title IX Investigations (harassment, gender-based discrimination, sexual misconduct, etc.)
  • Sexual Assault of any kind Accidents on School Property
  • Bus Accidents Incidents deemed "Stranger Danger"
  • Trespassing

We all want to continue to keep our students, staff and parents safe. Please make sure to encourage your child to be proactive and stress the importance of "SEE SOMETHING, HEAR SOMETHING, SAY AND DO SOMETHING." Our state has an anonymous reporting system called OK 2 Say. It can be reached at Please use this site for any dangerous activity that you see or hear regarding GBA. We will have an assembly with the students to discuss the proper use of this resource.

The process for educating your children is truly a team effort. I encourage you to contact the school at any time if you have a concern, need clarification or simply want to check in with your child's teacher. In order to make the growth that we are anticipating academically, we are asking you for support in the following areas.

  1. Attend school daily and on time, ready for the day's experience.
  2. Complete all homework assignments assigned by the teacher.
  3. Ensure your child knows you expect them to succeed and be a contributing citizen to our community.
  4. Demonstrate respect towards peers, teachers, staff and self.
  5. Communicate frequently with the classroom teacher.

We have a new contact email address for attendance and non-emergency communication. The email address is: If you child will be absent, please send us a note for that day.

Remember our tagline, Supporting Community, Growing Success. This applies to supporting your family as well. During our Open House Meet and Greet you will have the opportunity to fill out a uniform request application. This will help us to provide two uniforms per student in grades K-8. We will not have the uniforms before school starts, so please make sure to have at least one uniform for your child to wear until we are able to provide them.

Another partnership I would like to create with you is a monthly meeting where you can come in and chat with me regarding what is happening in the school and the world. For the parents that come to these meetings, you will then be able to take a book and go to your child's classroom and read to them.

The books will be provided by the school and will help you build a library at home!

Warm regards, 

Mrs. Patty Wood (Principal/Superintendent)