About Grand Blanc Academy

Welcome to Grand Blanc Academy, serving students from prekindergarten through 8th grade!

Design: Grand Blanc Academy offers an extended school day to allow for true mastery rather than cursory coverage of the curriculum.

Technology: To master true computer literacy, students require hands-on access to computers as a tool for authentic learning. We equip each classroom with a computer for every three children and provide a laptop for each teacher and administrator.

Assessment: The barometers that gauge our success include higher student standardized test scores, marked progress in the quality of performance-based assessments, improved student attendance, and retention as well as enhanced motivation, satisfaction, and morale on the part of students, teachers, and parents.

Teachers: Grand Blanc Academy hires, trains, and is committed to retaining star teachers and talented leaders in educational management. All teachers are certified and teaching within their certification, experienced individuals who have a strong sense of purpose, and a willingness to challenge themselves as life long learners, as they would challenge their students. They compel all students to excel by concentrating on engaging every child in learning and by holding students to high standards.

Parents: Because every child needs stability, continuity and a champion who believes in his or her human potential, Grand Blanc Academy works to foster a close connection between home and school. Specifically, we work with parents and other adults with positive influence to improve attendance, to assist with homework, and to intercede at the first hint of difficulty.


Annual Education Report 2024-2025